Ugliest Person In The World: Top 10 Ugliest People In The World

This is to inform the general public About Ugliest Person In The World, Some assert that they get their needed satisfaction from being called “ugly” or “monster”. Others claim that they get it from looking lovely.

Ugliest Person In The World

While some people have an undesirable appearance from birth, others spend a lot of money on cosmetic procedures, body modifications, and tattoos. This is to permanently alter their appearance by disfiguring their faces and other body parts. Some of these techniques were ineffective.

All that is beautiful has a tremendous appeal to humans. Being handsome is better than being ugly. Others are more likely to see and treat you positively when you are handsome or gorgeous. Your family, friends, and classmates will not notice you if you are not attractive. You might come off as offensive or disagreeable to others.

However, if others think you’re the ugliest person alive, your luck can suddenly change.

Let’s examine the most ugly people in the world and their causes.

List of 10 Ugliest People In The World

1. Godfrey Baguma

Godfrey Baguma, a Ugandan gospel singer, is the world’s ugliest man. He worked as a cobbler of shoes before dabbling in gospel music. When Baguma won the ugliest Man in Uganda competition in 2002, he attracted widespread notice.

He initially entered the competition to raise cash for his family. He has since appeared in a number of additional competitions.

Baguma’s side of his face swelled at birth due to an uncommon and undiagnosed medical issue. It’s interesting that he met Kate Namenda, with whom he later married. They are fortunate to have two kids.

2. Avner Dennis

Dennis Avner, often known as “Cat Man” or “Stalking Cat,” is the most unattractive guy to ever exist. it’s funny,

Avner wasn’t born ugly, but his appearance is the product of 17 cosmetic procedures on his body that cost millions of dollars and gave him a tigress-like appearance.

He cited his ancestry from the Dakota Indian tribe and the Hurons tribe, both of which are known for having tigers as their tribal symbols, as the explanation for his physical metamorphosis.

His metamorphosis made him well-known. Avner, though, passed away in November 2012.

3. Paul Lawrence

Paul Lawrence, better known by his stage name “Enigma,” is a well-known American sideshow performer, actor, and singer. He is noted for his extreme body alteration, including horn implants, ear contouring, numerous body piercings, and a full-body jigsaw-puzzle tattoo.

More than 200 tattoo artists and professionals in body modification were needed to complete Lawrence’s tattoos.

He first began tattooing himself in 1992, and he later wed “Katzen the Tiger Lady,” a woman who is also a tattoo and body modification enthusiast. Since then, the two have divorced.

4. Eric Sprague

The next person in our list of the ten ugliest persons ever is Eric Sprague, a sideshow and freak show performer from the United States who goes by the stage moniker “The Lizardman.”

Sprague gained notoriety and is well known for his body augmentation procedures, which include green inked lips, split and forked tongues, a full-body tattoo of green scales, and sharpened teeth.

He truly has the appearance of a classic European green lizard, complete with sharp teeth, divided tongue, and green body ink. This 47-year-old entertainer has a Ph.D. and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, and prior to his transition, he was a Ph.D. candidate.

5. Maria Jose Cristerna

Mara José Cristerna, aka “The Vampire Woman,”  or “The Jaguar Woman” is a businesswoman and tattoo enthusiast from Mexico. She received her first tattoo when she was 14 years old, and as of right now, this Mexican national’s body is 96% covered in various tattoos.

She is one of the most prominent individuals in the tattoo community and has been named the lady with the most tattoos by Guinness World Records.

6. Mison Sere

When Mison Sere triumphed in Zimbabwe’s fourth annual Mister Ugly competition in 2015, he gained notoriety. He is regarded as one of the world’s ugliest individuals, despite the fact that many people thought his ugliness was not natural because of multiple missing teeth.

Sere views winning the title of “ugliest man” as an honor and believes that, just as models may profit from their excellent looks, so too can the ugly.

7. Gregory Paul McLaren

Gregory Paul McLaren, also known as Lucky Diamond Rich, resides in New Zealand and is the seventh most ugly person in the world. He is a well-liked performance artist, street performer, and international arts festival performer best known for acts like sword swallowing and unicycle juggling.

McLaren now owns the Guinness World Record for having the most tattoos. His entire body is covered in tattoos, the majority of them are black.

8. Michael Berryman

One of the most hideous persons in the world who makes a living out of it is Michael Berryman. He is an American actor who was born in 1948 and was born without sweat glands, hair, or fingernails due to an uncommon ailment.

Berryman has made a great career out of portraying characters in horror films and acting in general thanks to his “ugliness”. He has so far played the lead in more than 150 films.

9. Jocelyn Wildenstein

Jocelyn Wildenstein, an American millionaire socialite and cosmetic surgery enthusiast, sports a cat-like appearance as a result of significant plastic surgery.

She reportedly spent close to $4 million on this cosmetic procedure, but what were the outcomes? being recognized as one of the most ugly people ever. She is also said to have made billions through the divorce settlement she received from her well-known ex-husband, American businessman and millionaire art dealer Alec Wildenstein.

10. Donatella Versace

One of the most ugly persons alive right now is Italian businesswoman and fashion designer Donatella Versace.

She and her late brother Gianni Versace founded the well-known Versace brand, which many of us are familiar with today. Even after the company was sold to Capriholdings in 2018, she continues to have a prominent position there.

You should note that although this woman wasn’t born unattractive, no one appears to remember how she appeared before to the poor plastic surgery. She also appears to have an undiagnosed eating disorder, which many people think may be the cause of this.

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Why does Godfrey Baguma look ugly?

He had a disease that left a tumor-like growth on his face, drastically changing the way he looked.

Why is Dennis Avner looking like a tiger?

He asserts that ever since he was a young child, he has had a telepathic link with all feline animals, particularly tigers.

What is the cause of Michael Berryman’s ugly look?

Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia, a hereditary disorder, is the cause of Michael Berryman’s distinctive appearance, which many people consider to be among the ugliest on the world.

FAQs About Ugliest Person In The World

Is Michael Berryman’s look due to a failed plastic surgery?

No. Michael has a unique genetic disorder causing him to be without sweat glands, hair or nails.

Why does Donatella look ugly?

Her botched plastic operations, which left her with oversized lips, a huge nose, and black eyes, have generated criticism about her look.

Why is Eric called ‘lizard man’?

The Lizardman, real name Eric Sprague, has undergone substantial physical alteration to resemble a lizard. These include implanting horns beneath the skin of his brows, splitting his tongue, and sharpening his teeth into fangs.

What made Mison Sere famous?

Mison Sere was one of 35 contenders, including the defending champion, in the 2015 edition of Zimbabwe’s annual search for the nation’s most ugly man. Sere won the $500 prize and the title of Mr. Ugly in the face of fierce opposition. He has a reputation as one of the ugliest people in the world due to his lack of teeth.


Do you ever consider how different everyone would have been in the world? What a pain, wouldn’t you say? In fact, a balanced society is created by the differences our creator placed upon us. Being called ugly and given a crown for it is not easy, but the truth is out there, and there is no other course than to embrace your flaws.

The world’s ugliest man is Unquestionably not a title that anyone would be proud to give to themselves. However, the extreme of the globe comes with certain benefits. The attention and fame are astounding, and it takes guts for the newly crowned persons to show a human side that most people have learned to avoid. Everyone must learn to deal with their fears and physical defects. Most people are too busy swooning over the hot celebrities to give any thought to the world’s ugly men. Even though many people find the sight of the ugliest man’s face repulsive, they have admitted that they are the indisputable champion of hideousness and have thus embraced the title of ugliest man.


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