How To Cook Vegetable Soup With Ugu And Waterleaf

How To Cook Vegetable Soup With Ugu And Waterleaf. You Will Learn How To Cook Vegetable Soup In This Article.

How To Cook Vegetable Soup In Nigeria, many varieties of leaves are used to cook vegetable soup in various ways. I’m restricting it to only utilizing waterleaf and ugu to prepare soup in this article.

I’ve experimented with a variety of Nigerian cooking techniques with these vegetables. The approach I’ll describe in this article has received the most favor from a significant portion of those who have tried them all. to believe it’s the easiest. Let’s have an overview:

How To Cook Vegetable Soup

How To Cook Vegetable Soup With Ugu And Waterleaf.

Here are the ingredients you will need:

Palm oil

Fresh pepper



Stockfish (okporoko)

Assorted meat


Cowskin (kpomo)

Smoked fish


Seasoning cubes (knorr)




1. Precooking preparations

First step:

Beef and other meats are usually where I start. I enjoy how these two work together. Shaki is my fave variety of beef. I clean them with fresh water.

Keep in mind that there are leaves and sand remnants because the shakki is a portion of the animal’s stomach chamber. Put it in a clean pot for use after washing with the beef and changing the water.

Second Step:

Wash the snail. The snail is somewhat slimy. People use lime and alum, but I like lime better. Making sure that every area of the snail comes into contact with the lime, I cut the lime into multiple pieces and brush against it.

This would quickly turn the entire bowl of water slimy. I often change the water and continue the process until all of the snails are entirely slime-free.

Third step:

Blend the fresh pepper and some onion after deboning the smoked fish and setting it away on a plate for later use. Separately, I chop some onions.

Fourth step:

I wash the periwinkles in lukewarm water at this point to remove any remaining sand, grit, or dust. then pour hot water in for a short while. The periwinkle flesh is now exposed on the shell surface and is now simple to remove with a pin. The idea of including periwinkle shells in soups is not one I support.

Fifth step

Here, along with some seasoning cubes, finely chopped onions, and some ground pepper, I parboil the beef, other meats, snails, okporoko, and kpomo. They should cook for 5-7 minutes over high heat.

Sixth step

Slice the vegetables into little pieces after washing them. Because I get to add the ugu and the waterleaf to the soup at various times, I take the time to carefully cut them apart.

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2. Cooking stage


Returning the liquid to the cooker starts the cooking process. Bring it back to a boil. Add some palm oil, cover the pot, and let the soup simmer for a while.


At this point, I add the achi and stir to thicken the soup. The pot is kept covered while being heated to medium-high.


I add the crayfish powder along with additional seasoning, salt, and soup spice as desired once the stock has thickened. At this point, if you’re using ogiri, add it to the soup.


Before adding the sliced ugu leaves, stir the contents of the saucepan and wait a minute before adding the waterleaf. This is so that waterleaf can be cooked more quickly than ugu. It shouldn’t be overcooked, of course.


This time, when you open the pot, you find a delicious pot of ugu and waterleaf vegetable soup that has been fully cooked. You’re done after one more stir. This is how Nigerians prepare ugu and waterleaf soup.

Check this video to see how to make ugu and waterleaf soup:

Faqs about How To Cook Vegetable Soup With Ugu And Waterleaf.

1. What conditions does pumpkin leave (ugu) treat?

Vitamins A and C are abundant in pumpkin leaves. And these are crucial for better vision, good bones, teeth, and skin. They also aid in the development of scar tissue and the healing of wounds. Iron and protein are both abundant in pumpkin leaves, which helps the muscles store and use oxygen. Ugu leaves control blood sugar levels and help breastfeeding women produce more milk.

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2. What is the English name for ugu leaves?

In English, ugu leaves are frequently referred to as pumpkin leaves. Fluted Pumpkin is the name in its entire form. Telfairia Occidentalis is the name given by scientists. However, in Nigeria, if you go to a vegetable vendor and ask for “fluted Pumpkin,” there’s a good chance you’ll be told “it’s not available.”

How to make ugu leaves softer?

Ugu leaves are already naturally soft, thus there is barely any need to further soften them. The greatest time to soften ugu leaves, though, is while they are being cleaned with salt and warm water during the disinfection process. not steamy water.


Vegetable soups are made in Nigeria in a very basic manner. And it is made simpler by the procedure that is described here in clear detail.

Not to discredit other East African nations’ cuisines, but they don’t seem to be quite as varied as what we have here. You can probably give them a try at some point because of how diverse African cuisine is.

Enjoy your exploration! Have a good time!

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