200+ Best And Short Whatsapp Bio Captions And Quotes For Boys And Girls

200+ Best And Short WhatsApp Bio Captions And Quotes For Boys And Girls. In This Article, You Will  Discover All The Best And Short WhatsApp Bio Captions And Quotes For Boys And Girls. 

 WhatsApp Bio Captions. Do you find it hard to put words together? Maybe you usually find it hard to come up with words for your WhatsApp posts? Do you need a compilation of well written words to ease your writing? You found this article at the right time as this article does justice to that>

To discover all these mind-blowing captions, keep reading!

WhatsApp Bio Captions


WhatsApp Bio Captions & Quotes for Boys

  1. “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
  2. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey
  3. “Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.” – Charles R. Swindoll
  4. “Chase your dreams, not the competition.”
  5. “I don’t have dreams; I have goals.”
  6. “Be a game changer, the world is full of players.”
  7. “Living my life in my style.”
  8. “Success is my only option, failure is not.”
  9. “In a world full of trends, I remain classic.”
  10. “Work hard, play harder.”
  11. “I am who I am, your approval is not needed.”
  12. “Stay focused and extra sparkly.”
  13. “The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra
  14. “Silence speaks when words can’t.”
  15. “Prove them wrong silently.”
  16. “Be the energy you want to attract.”
  17. “Don’t be ordinary, be legendary.”
  18. “I’m on my journey; join me if you dare.”
  19. “Never settle for less than you deserve.”
  20. “My life, my rules.”
  21. “Make it happen, shock everyone.”
  22. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  23. “I’m not weird, I’m limited edition.”
  24. “Born to express, not to impress.”
  25. “Keep your head high, and your middle finger higher.”
  26. “I don’t lose; either I win or learn.”
  27. “Life is short, make it sweet.”
  28. “Hustle beats talent when talent doesn’t hustle.”
  29. “I can and I will. Watch me.”
  30. “Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.”

WhatsApp About Lines for Girls

  1. I am a private person, so if I open up with you, damn, I trust you
  2. Laugh like a baby. Live like a queen
  3. Always look up UNLESS taking help from someone
  4. Don’t judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore
  5. Thankful for who’s always been there for me
  6. I’m not silent; I just hate drama
  7. It will take you two lifetimes to impress me, and half a second for me to reject you.
  8. I am a queen because I know how to be in control.
  9. Understanding is an art, and not everyone is an artist
  10. A Queen doesn’t bow to rules or for anyone.
  11. The only good girls are the ones who never get caught
  12. In life, what you really want will never come easy
  13. I’m a bad girl; you aren’t used to that
  14. Never Give up
  15. No matter Always end the day with a positive thought
  16. Stress is the result of working hard for something we don’t care about. Working hard for something we care about is referred to as passion
  17. Please don’t compare me to other women. There isn’t any rivalry. I’m a one-of-a-kind individual
  18. His story is about history, while mine is about the mystery
  19. You can find a girl who is prettier, smarter, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl who is exactly like me
  20. Satisfy your soul, forget about society.

Best WhatsApp About Lines for Girls

  1. If you can dream it, do it.
  2. Once you stop trying, you fail.
  3. Telling people about your dreams isn’t as much fun as showing them.
  4. I arrived, I sighted, I took over.
  5. Think highly of yourself. What the world thinks is inconsequential.
  6. One bad chapter doesn’t end a story.
  7. Queen round the clock
  8. Killing it constantly
  9. I am what I am.
  10. Let your imagination run wild. Put in the effort. Keep your focus and surround yourself with positive people.
  11. You’ve reached a frighteningly wonderful degree of freedom when you don’t care what others think of you.
  12. My thoughts turn me into a lady, my attitude into a bitch, and my manners into a lady.
  13. Never underestimate your own emotions; always cherish them.
  14. Totally in love but lacking in trust.
  15. You know what! Bro codes are eternal.

WhatsApp Funny Bio Quotes

  1. Dear problems… Please give me some discount… I am your regular customer
  2. I’m not avoiding work. I’m just on battery saver mode
  3. I would lose weight, but I hate losing
  4. I was going to take over the world this morning, but I overslept
  5. I follow the quote, “Always Be True To Yourself” because I only lie to others!
  6. My humor is beyond your understanding. Isn’t that funny
  7. If you can’t convince them, confuse them
  8. I’m naturally funny because my whole life is a joke
  9. Too lazy to stop being lazy
  10. Don’t Make Me Laugh. I’M Trying To Be Mad At You.
  11. Got a new phone today, my old one failed the swimming test.
  12. The older I get, the earlier it gets late
  13. My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”
  14. I wanna live in your socks so I can be with you every step of the way.
  15. Life is too short. don’t waste it reading my WhatsApp status….
  16. Did you hear that joke that doesn’t offend anyone? Neither did I
  17. Hey, I’ll be back in five minutes. If I’m not, just read this message again
  18. Just saw the smartest person when I was in front of the mirror.
  19. Stop checking my last seen, text me when you miss me.
  20. Yes, of course, I am athletic… I surf the Internet every day.
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WhatsApp Funny Bio Quotes

  1. Take my advice, I don’t use it anyway
  2. I hate people who use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious.
  3. I wish I could mute people in real life
  4. Of course, I talk to myself! Sometimes I need expert advice as well
  5. I never argue, I just explain why I’m right
  6. One day your prince will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost and too stubborn to ask for directions.
  7. I won’t be impressed with technology until I can download food from the internet
  8. My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I am right
  9. Hey you, yeah I’m talking to you, why the hell are you reading my “Whatsapp Bio”?
  10. I like when you smile, but I love it when I’m the reason.
  11. My favourite time of the day is Break time
  12. My therapist says I have a preoccupation with vengeance. We’ll see about that.
  13. Hey, I’ll be back in five minutes. If I’m not, just read this message again.
  14. Just saw the smartest person when I was in front of the mirror.
  15. I Wonder What Happen’s When Doctor’s Wife Eats An Apple A Day..
  16. I hate people who use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious.
  17. I’ Not Hungry. But I Am Bored. Therefore, I Shall Eat.
  18. I wish I could mute people in real life.
  19. Take my advice, I don’t use it anyway

 Funny Bio Quotes

  1. If Women Could Read Minds, Every Second Man Will Get Slapped.
  2. I would call my fashion style “clothes that still fit.”
  3. You’re so lucky that I’m terrified of prison.
  4. I follow the quote, “Always be true to yourself” because I only lie to others!
  5. I’m naturally funny because my whole life is a joke.
  6. Dear problems, Please give me a discount I am a regular customer.
  7. Do you think I’m cute when I’m mad? Well, buckle up sweet cheeks – I’m about to get freakin’ adorable.
  8. I think my girlfriend has had sixty-one boyfriends before me. She calls me her sixty second lover.
  9. I used to think I was indecisive, but now I’m not too sure.
  10. I’m so tired, my tired is tired.
  11. Your vibe attracts your tribe.
  12. Success is in my veins

Stylish WhatsApp Bios

  1. Without a goal, you can’t score
  2. I love my job only when I am on vacation
  3. Work hard and be nice to people
  4. Never let go for your dreams
  5. Haters are the best motivators
  6. My silence my attitude
  7. I don’t need to explain myself because I know I’m right
  8. Don’t see my bio, an appointment is needed
  9. If you lose yourself but find yourself, you’ve won.
  10. Don’t waste your time crying for the time that’s squandered.
  11. Avoid me once and you’ll lose me forever.
  12. Being happy is your responsibility – no one’s gonna do it for you.
  13. Be enough for yourself.
  14. We both lost something – you don’t have me, but I lost time.
  15. Do not stress-everything is temporary.
  16. You will not understand and no explanation is sufficient.
  17. My mouth doesn’t talk as much as my mind.
  18. Don’t waste your time crying for the time that’s squandered.
  19. Avoid me once and you’ll lose me forever.
  20. Being happy is your responsibility – no one’s gonna do it for you.
  21. Be enough for yourself.
  22. If you lose yourself but find yourself, you’ve won.
  23. I love late replies because the later the reply comes, the faster I lose feelings for you.
  24. My mouth doesn’t talk as much as my mind.

Creative Short WhatsApp Bio Captions & Quotes

  1. Ideas are useless unless used
  2. Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done
  3. Make life fun today, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed
  4. Dream without fear, and love without limits
  5. Live More, Fear Less
  6. Think and live positive
  7. Be Your Own Brand
  8. Self-confidence is the best outfit
  9. Classy, sassy and never trashy
  10. Struggling means you’re progressing
  11. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going
  12. I just levelled up
  13. I woke up flawless.
  14. Think and live positive.
  15. Don’t be disheartened if you’re struggling. It means you’re progressing.
  16. Follow your dreams.
  17. Hakuna Matata
  18. For a minute there, I lost myself
  19. If you don’t have a smile, I’ll give you one of mine
  20. I’m walking in the sunshine
  21. I leave a trail that sparkles wherever I go
  22. Note to self: Please relax
  23. When life gets blurry, adjust your focus
  24. Escape the ordinary
  25. I’m so cool, even ice cubes are jealous!
  26. I just levelled up.
  27. Crazy is a trademark of a true pioneer.
  28. Want to be second? Follow me.
  29. Wherever I go, I leave sparkles
  30. With this smile, I can get away with anything
  31. Be the person you’d want to meet.
  32. What you’ve left behind is nothing. Anticipate the future.
  33. I’m not lazy, I’m just chill.
  34. I’m a better version of myself.
  35. I just levelled up.
  36. Get rid of the ordinary.
  37. You’re the reason for my smile.
  38. Just because I am single I am not available.
  39. Time to awake and turn on awesome.
  40. Crazy is a trademark of a true pioneer.
  41. Want to be second? Follow me.
  42. Eat eat and eat….but don’t eat my brain.
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WhatsApp Bio for Students

  1. DND, it’s study time.
  2. My study is my worship.
  3. Pass Hogye… Nacho BC.
  4. Facebook And Whatsapp close and Book open.
  5. Never be a busy signal on the Prayer line.
  6. To study in a university is to have a sole purpose
  7. Study to show yourself qualified for God’s use.
  8. You can’t study the darkness by flooding it with light.
  9. Study hard, for the well, is deep, and our brains are shallow.
  10. My study strategy = 15 minutes study and 3 hours break.
  11. If you are given an open-book exam, you will forget your book.
  12. The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.
  13. I Never dreamed about success. I worked for it.
  14. When you are a good person You don’t lose people they lose you.
  15. You Never loved me, You were just bored.
  16. I gave wrong people The right pieces of me.
  17. Never take someone feeling as joke, You never know how bad it feels.
  18. Group study is the best way, to ensure that none of your friends have studied either.
  19. Examinations are when on the question, when will you be free? You are looking at the calendar instead of the clock.
  20. Every instructor assumes that you have nothing else to do except study for that instructor’s course.
  21. Never let anybody come so close to your heart that it is painful to forget them.
  22. How to solve maths: 1. Write down the problem. 2. Cry.
  23. 80% of the exam is always based on one lecture that you missed and one topic that you didn’t prepare.
  24. You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.
  25. If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Best Short WhatsApp Bio Captions for Life

  1. I plan to make the rest of my life, the best of my life
  2. Forget your age and live your life
  3. Life is only as good as your mindset
  4. Life is Just For chill
  5. You Live Only Once (YOLO)
  6. Depth over distance
  7. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons
  8. Nothing is perfect, don’t go behind making everything perfect
  9. Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching
  10. Silence is a source of great strength
  11. Different life experiences, build different perspectives
  12. The secrete of success is hiding your source
  13. Engineers and pressure cooker are similar- Both can handle pressure very well.
  14. Life is a flower of which love is the honey
  15. Enjoy your life as much as you can, as you can’t buy a single breath with all your money.
  16. Life becomes clear when you start looking toward people’s hearts instead of their faces.
  17. Life without mistakes is like, education without books
  18. Life is too short to waste on hating other people
  19. Life goes on… With or without you
  20. Life is full of surprises

WhatsApp Bio for Life

  1. Make life fun today, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed
  2. Life won’t get easier, you just have to get stronger
  3. I am the writer of my own life story
  4. Enjoy your life today Because yesterday has gone, and tomorrow may never come.
  5. Be the person God wants you to be.
  6. A good life is a collection of happy moments
  7. Life is too short for bad vibes
  8. Live the life you’ve always imagined
  9. When life gets blurry, adjust your focus
  10. Life is a one-time offer – use it wisely.
  11. Enjoy today because yesterday’s history and tomorrow may never arrive
  12. Look at people’s hearts, not their faces. Life will become clearer.
  13. Life goes on! So go on and live.
  14. Life is all about creating yourself, not discovering yourself.
  15. If you think you’re always right, you’ll never learn.

Motivational Captions WhatsApp Bio

  1. Live More, Fear Less
  2. Life always finds a way
  3. Work hard until you don’t have to introduce yourself
  4. You only live once, but if you do it right, one is enough
  5. Tough times always teach you valuable lessons
  6. In life, we never, lose friends, we only, learn who the true, ones are.
  7. Life doesn’t give you a second chance often, so use it wisely when the second chance is given
  8. Time is precious, waste it wisely.
  9. Don’t be afraid to take the harder way no matter what
  10. Real ones stays in bad times
  11. It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up
  12. The only people who never fail are those who never try
  13. Work hard until your bank balance looks like your mobile number
  14. Nobody cares about your story until you win, so win
  15. Never ever beg anyone for a friendship or a relationship
  16. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift
  17. Only the weak give up; no one said it was easy
  18. If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t cry for what you lost
  19. Do it with passion or not at all
  20. It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive.
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Motivational Captions & Quotes for WhatsApp Bio

  1. The fewer people think, the louder they are
  2. You pray for rain; you have to deal with the mud too. That’s a part of it
  3. Learn to sit back and observe. You’ll begin to notice how fake some people are
  4. Protect your peace
  5. At the day’s end, I am grateful that my blessings outnumber my problems.
  6. Your followers may not always be your fans
  7. Life can get only as good as you think.
  8. The start is always tough. Don’t give up.
  9. In life, we don’t lose friends. We only learn who our true friends really are.
  10. Within every person is a sun.

WhatsApp Top Bios

  1. Ice cream is cheaper than therapy
  2. You have to be odd to be number one
  3. When you look at me, what do you see?
  4. Life is full of surprises
  5. Let life surprise you
  6. I am what I am
  7. Just Do It
  8. I don’t need your approval to be me
  9. There’s no place like home
  10. I don’t wait for miracles to happen. I create them
  11. Beautiful things don’t ask for attention
  12. Ever since I was a kid, I was always the winner
  13. Never announce your moves before you make them.
  14. Who am I? I have not found the answer yet
  15. What feels like the end, is often just the beginning
  16. Happiness will always have a reason
  17. The smallest moments give the biggest joys.
  18. If you lose me once that’s it, it’s over
  19. I might be quiet but I am very observant
  20. If you are ok with losing me I am ok with losing you


Short WhatsApp Bio Captions & Quotes

  1. Follow your dreams
  2. Keep smiling
  3. Smile, you made it
  4. Under construction
  5. I’m a unicorn
  6. Seize the day
  7. Never Give up
  8. It’s a lovely life
  9. Imperfectly perfect
  10. Dreams are forever
  11. You feel me?
  12. Live more fear less
  13. Live fearlessly
  14. Live like a king
  15. Seize the day
  16. It’s a lovely life
  17. Do everything with love.
  18. Real friends are a rare find.
  19. Happiness-an inside job.
  20. Every day brings a second chance.

Meaningful WhatsApp Bio

  1. Start each day with a grateful heart
  2. Forget the person, But not the lesson
  3. Notice everything but be quiet
  4. Never make a permanent decision on temporary feelings
  5. Silence is the most powerful scream
  6. Always hope but never expect
  7. Challenges are what make life interesting
  8. Everybody can see a laughing face, but nobody can see a broken heart
  9. There’s bravery in being soft
  10. Hate is a strong word, think before you use it
  11. Neither happy nor sad but missing something in life.
  12. Temporary people impart permanent lessons.
  13. A smiling face need not necessarily mean a smiling heart.
  14. Start every day with gratefulness.
  15. God might forgive, I don’t.
  16. Time doesn’t always heal. You heal yourself.
  17. Even if I am hurt, I smile.
  18. Trust timing-everything happens for a reason.
  19. Challenges make life interesting.
  20. Time is a healer and a killer.
  21. Everyone has a different journey
  22. Temporary people teach you permanent lessons.
  23. Real is rare while fake is everywhere.

Whatsapp Bio With Emoji

  1. Everything is fine If you’re mine.❣️
  2. 🅱️low 🅰️way the haters.😎
  3. Don’t Copy, Pick Your Own Style 😊
  4. 😎My Ættitude is based øn the way ¥ou treat me😏
  5. Happiness Is The Key To Everything🥰
  6. The Best Mirror Is An Old Friend 💕
  7. Life Is One Time Offer, Use It Well 🥰
  8. Bio unavailable! Check later 🧐
  9. Scratch Here ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒🔥
  10. I’m the iPhone, you the Nokia 😜
  11. Error 404! Bio Unavailable😰

Which bio is best for WhatsApp?

  • Ideas are useless unless used.
  • Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.
  • Make life fun today, because tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.
  • Dream without fear, and love without limits.
  • Live More, Fear Less.
  • Think and live positive.
  • Be Your Own Brand.
  • Self-confidence is the best outfit.

How do you make a beautiful bio?

Generally speaking, it makes sense to include:
  1. Your name.
  2. Your current role or professional tagline.
  3. Your company or personal brand.
  4. Your goals and aspirations.
  5. Your 2-3 most impressive and relevant achievements.
  6. One quirky fact about you (if it’s appropriate to the site)

FAQs About WhatsApp Bio Captions And Quotes For Boys And Girls

1.  What is a creative bio?

A creative bio is a one-of-a-kind overview of you or your business that draws the reader in and entices them to learn more.

2. How do you write a killer bio?

Here are a few tips to make your first-person bio great:
  1. Don’t start every sentence with “I.”
  2. Remember, you know yourself better than anyone.
  3. Focus on useful details.
  4. Write from the perspective of someone you know and trust.
  5. Show the reader why they should trust your opinion.
  6. Remember, you’re telling a story

3. What are good bios for girls?

Here are some of the best bio on Instagram for girls love:
  • Spreading love and positivity wherever I go.
  • Chasing dreams and catching feelings.
  • Lover of life, laughter, and all things beautiful.
  • Embracing every moment with an open heart.
  • Love in my heart, dreams in my soul.
  • Sipping on love and chasing sunsets.

4. What is a 3 line bio?

To create a good first impression, keep it brief. Think about these three goals for a three-sentence bio: Describe yourself and your work to the readers. Give us a peek of who you are. Urge readers to research further.

5. How can I impress my bio?

Some tips for the Perfect Instagram Bio:

  1. Keep It Short & Sweet.
  2. Include Relevant Keywords.
  3. Use a Link in Bio Tool.
  4. Show Your Personality.
  5. Include a Call-to-action.
  6. Add Your Contact Info.
  7. Add Your Branded Hashtag.
  8. Use Emojis Sparingly.


We hope you were able to pick out all the captions that resonates with you from the compilations of captions above. You can now make use of them everyday at your own convenience. No need to crack your brain thinking about what to write as we have already done that for you.

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