UK Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5 Jobs)

UK Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5 Jobs). In This Article, You Will Find Out About UK Seasonal Worker Visa.

UK Seasonal Worker Visa, Are you looking to migrate to the United Kingdom as a seasonal worker this year? Are you looking for all the requirements necessary for this application to work in their horticultural industry?

Look no further! Stay with us as we will be discussing all the details concerning this seasonal worker visa. So, keep reading to find out more!

UK Seasonal Worker Visa

UK seasonal work visa

In 2019, the SWS scheme began operations as an evaluation program, initially operated by two operators. In 2021, the Home Office decided to extend the program, bringing the total number of work permits to 30,000 and the number of scheme operators to four. The program will now include six operators and 40,000 participants by 2024. Additionally, a poultry-specific visa exists. In accordance with the plan, the operators serve as tier 5 immigration framework sponsors.

The program permits labor supply to the edible and ornamental horticultural sector, which Defra defines as:

  • Protected Vegetables (glasshouse production)
  • Field Vegetables (outside production including herbs, leafy salads and potatoes)
  • Soft Fruits (outdoor and covered)
  • Top Fruits
  • Vines and Bines (hops and Grapes)
  • Mushrooms.
  • bulbs and cut flowers, such as daffodils, grown outdoors and indoors
  • Pot plants, such as seasonal bedding plants like pansies, violas, germaniums and poinsettias
  • Hardy ornamental nursery stock such as Christmas trees, shrubs, roses
  • Ornamental trees and perennials
  • Tree and forest nurseries
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UK seasonal work visa 2023 Eligibility Requirements

You can apply for horticulture Seasonal Worker visas at any time of year.

You’ll need to:

  • have a sponsor
  • be at least 18 years old
  • a certificate of sponsorship reference number from your UK sponsor
  • sufficient funds to sustain oneself while in the UK; unless you qualify for an exemption, you should typically have at least £1,270 on hand.

Your employer has a responsibility to ensure that your job pays the minimum wage or more and complies with UK regulations regarding the number of hours you work per week. Your application will be turned down if your employer doesn’t take these steps.

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Fruitful jobs UK seasonal work visa Duration

You can apply for a Seasonal Worker visa to come to the UK and work in:

  • horticulture for up to 6 months – for example, picking fruit and vegetables or flowers
  • poultry from 2 October to 31 December, in the same year

You need to apply for poultry Seasonal Worker visas by 15 November each year. The visa is for a maximum period of 6 months and workers can only be in the UK on the visa once in 12 months – there must be clear break of 6 months between visas.

Seasonal work visa UK Document

  • a valid passport with a blank page for your visa
  • CoS reference number given by your sponsor
  • bank statements or any other documents that proves you have sufficient funds to support yourself in the UK
  • you must have a certified translation of any document not in English or Welsh

How To Apply UK seasonal worker visa

  • Fill out the application form on the UK’s government visas and immigration website. You must have your CoS number to apply and provide information on your English
  • Upload the documents
  • Pay the fees
  • Book an appointment at a visa application centre
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Seasonal farm work visa UK Activities

  • The activities covered by the scheme are:
  • Picker – Manual harvesting of crops (may include rig work / hand tools)
  • Crop maintenance and husbandry; planting, weeding, de-leafing, pruning, bud rubbing, thinning, tying down and any aspects related to crop health.
  • Tunnel worker – construction / skinning of crop protection, venting and maintenance, preparing growing areas / tabletop systems / raised beds/ installing and removing growing media / dismantling.
  • Irrigation worker – installation and maintenance.
  • Packhouse worker – packing and processing of crops, labelling, sorting, grading and loading.
  • Tractor driving – seasonal requirements for primary production (mowing/spraying/harvest/carting).
  • Seasonal Supervisor – leading teams to ensure efficiency, training and motivation.

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Seasonal worker visa UK sponsorship

If any of the following happens, your sponsorship will end, and you’ll have to go back home:

a. Termination due to serious misconduct.

b. It is discovered that you are employed in an industry not covered by the plan.

c. Conduct outside of the workplace that is against UK law or harmful to the general welfare.

d. It has been discovered that you are providing employees with introductions to lucrative jobs in exchange for cash or other benefits.

UK seasonal work visa sponsorship companies

Below are some of the companies that can sponsor people to apply for this job:

Accommodation Details

On the placement, housing is typically provided in the form of shared mobile homes with other employees. Although it varies, a typical rent payment is £63.70. The highest weekly lodging fee will be £69.93 as of April 1, 2024.


Currently, the minimum wage in the UK is £10.42 per hour. The rate increases to £11.44 per hour as of April 1, 2024.

How long does it take to get a seasonal work visa in the UK?

Obtaining a Seasonal Worker visa will set you back £259. Within three weeks of submitting your online application, proving your identity, and providing the necessary supporting documentation, you should hear back regarding it.

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What is the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 5 visa?

Tier 2 workers are highly qualified individuals who are coming to the UK to either take up long-term positions or finish a fixed-term contract (possibly after transferring from a related offshore company). The majority of Tier 5 workers are less experienced employees, and occasionally they are even volunteers, and their stay in the UK is usually off limits.

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FAQs About UK Seasonal Worker Visa (Tier 5 Jobs)

1. What is a Tier 5 seasonal visa UK?

With the seasonal worker visa, foreign nationals can work in agriculture for up to six months in the UK. This includes tasks like packaging fruits and vegetables and other farm labor.

2. How do I get a Tier 5 work visa UK?

You must have £945 in savings and a Certificate of Sponsorship in order to apply for the Tier 5  visa. You will require a Certificate of Sponsorship and £945 in savings in order to apply for the Tier 5  visa. It will also be necessary for you to be a Creative Worker or an elite athlete.

3. Is UK seasonal visa still available 2023?

Up to 2,000 visas for temporary migrant workers are currently available through this route, which will run from 2022 to 2024 and allow them to work in the UK poultry industry. Every year, the number of visas available for seasonal workers may vary.

4. How do I get sponsored in UK for seasonal work visa?

You must be 18 or over when you apply and have both of the following:
  • a certificate of sponsorship reference number from your UK sponsor.
  • enough money to support yourself in the UK – you’ll usually need to have at least £1,270 available (unless you’re exempt)

5. What documents do I need for a Tier 5 visa?

Tier 5 Visa Documents
  • Applicant’s Passport and/or Valid travel identification.
  • Passport-sized colour photograph.
  • Applicant’s Previous passports (if held any)
  • Proof of maintenance requirements – Personal Bank Statements or Confirmation of maintenance and accommodation, if necessary, from your A-rated sponsor.


This article explains all the details, requirements and application processes you need for applying for this job in the UK.

You can keep an eye open for the job if you are looking to apply, so you can know if they have started.

We really hope this article was useful to you? Stay tuned to our site for more updates like this one!

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