Best Approach To Score 90% In Multiple Choice Questions

Best Approach To Score 90% In Multiple Choice Questions. In This Article, You Will Discover The Best Approach To Score 90% In Multiple Choice Questions.

Multiple Choice Questions, Are you sitting for an exam soon and you are looking for ways to approach these questions the best way? Exams with multiple choice questions can be challenging and tough, even if you have prepared for them.

Well, we will be showing you ways to achieve just that. So, keep reading to find out more about this!

Multiple Choice Questions

Table of Contents

About Multiple choice question

Exams with multiple choice questions can be challenging and tough, even if you have prepared for them. Even though it could seem simpler to figure out the right response when it’s written down, the multiple-choice format frequently causes uncertainty and second-guessing.

All throughout a student’s academic career, multiple choice exams are common. Multiple-choice questions are used in many college courses as well as on college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT. Providing your child with the knowledge of how to take a multiple-choice exam can give them an advantage in school.

Multiple choice questions

Tests with multiple choices can be challenging, particularly for students who are neurologically diverse. Your child can, however, arrange themselves in a way that will maximize their score.

Best Approach To Score 90% In Multiple Choice Questions

Here are some of the best strategies to make use of:

1. Read the Instructions Carefully

When starting a test with multiple choices, your child should take a moment to breathe and carefully read the instructions. Multiple-choice tests aren’t always easy, so don’t assume you can skip them to save time. There are various kinds of questions, even though most tests pose a query, offer a few options, and require you to select one.

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2. Look for Key Words in Multiple-Choice Questions

Exams with multiple choice questions assess your reading and comprehension skills. Even though selecting an answer to a question may seem straightforward, many exam questions and potential answers are phrased in complicated ways.

There are some words that you should watch out for because they might come up in difficult questions. The exclusion of information is the reason the terms “not” and “except” are significant. Since they are absolutes, other terms like “always,” “never,” “all,” “only,” and “none” are also crucial. In general, the statement is false if any of these absolute words are present in one of the possible answers.

3. Try To Answer the Question Before Looking at the Answer Options

After carefully reading the question, make an effort to answer it on your own, without using the provided options. You’ll find it very easy to determine which option is right if you can accomplish this. This approach will help you feel more confident in your response. When you already know the right answer, it will also be simpler to identify answers that are intentionally confusing.

4. Read All Answer Choices Thoroughly

Even if you read the question, think of your own response, and the first response makes sense, you should still consider the other options. Reading and selecting your response without taking into account all the information at hand is never a smart idea. Read each option before choosing your response, just as you should read the question in its entirety.

Read through the other answers to make sure you have the right answer, even if you are positive you do. Perhaps you will come upon a possible solution that prompts you to reconsider the question itself. It’s preferable to be positive before continuing.

5. Use the Process of Elimination

When taking multiple-choice exams, the process of elimination is a reliable strategy. After reviewing the answers, cross out any incorrect responses right away. With any luck, you will be left with just one option, which you can select as the correct response. You’ll frequently have multiple options, though.

6. Apply Effective Time Management

Anxiety in connection with exams affects some students, and poor time management frequently causes anxiety in students and forces them to make snap decisions. From the beginning of the test, your child should know how to manage their time so they can take it comfortably.

7. Don’t Be Afraid To Change Your Answers

There’s a suggestion that if an exam is multiple-choice, it’s wise to stick with your first selection. This direction may cause some test-takers to be reluctant to modify their first choice. If you’re not sure about your first response, don’t be scared to modify it. Even better, according to some studies, are test-takers who revise their first responses than those who don’t.

Multiple choice trivia questions

Here are samples o some trivia questions:

Multiple Choice Trivia

1) Who sang the title song for the latest Bond film, No Time to Die?

  • Adele
  • Sam Smith
  • Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

2) Which flies a green, white, and orange (in that order) tricolor flag?

  • Ireland
  • Ivory Coast
  • Italy


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3) What company makes the Xperia model of smartphone?

  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Nokia


4) Which city is home to the Brandenburg Gate?

  • Vienna
  • Zurich
  • Berlin


5) Which of the following is NOT a fruit?

  • Rhubarb
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados


6) Where was the first example of paper money used?

  • China
  • Turkey
  • Greece


7) Who is generally considered the inventor of the motor car?

  • Henry Ford
  • Karl Benz
  • Henry M. Leland

Karl Benz

8) If you were looking at Iguazu Falls, on what continent would you be?

  • Asia
  • Africa
  • South America

South America

9) What number was the Apollo mission that successfully put a man on the moon for the first time in human history?

  • Apollo 11
  • Apollo 12
  • Apollo 13

Apollo 11

10) Which of the following languages has the longest alphabet?

  • Greek
  • Russian
  • Arabic

Cna final exam 100 questions quizlet multiple choice

To view the cna multiple choice questions, go to the quizlet website or you can use the app instead

Trivia questions multiple choice

Here is a sample of what multiple choice questions look like:

) Who sang the title song for the latest Bond film, No Time to Die?

  • Adele
  • Sam Smith
  • Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

2) Which flies a green, white, and orange (in that order) tricolor flag?

  • Ireland
  • Ivory Coast
  • Italy


3) What company makes the Xperia model of smartphone?

  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Nokia


Apush multiple choice questions

To view the Apush multiple choice question, go to the website.

Trivia questions with multiple choice answers

1) Who sang the title song for the latest Bond film, No Time to Die?

  • Adele
  • Sam Smith
  • Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

2) Which flies a green, white, and orange (in that order) tricolor flag?

  • Ireland
  • Ivory Coast
  • Italy


3) What company makes the Xperia model of smartphone?

  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Nokia


4) Which city is home to the Brandenburg Gate?

  • Vienna
  • Zurich
  • Berlin


5) Which of the following is NOT a fruit?

  • Rhubarb
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados


3rd grade reading comprehension passages with multiple choice questions

These are sample questions your 3rd graders. You can look it up on the net to get these questions.

Funny multiple choice questions

Here  is a list of the funny multiple choice questions:

1. How many times does the average person laugh in a day? (Just think how much you laugh an hour, times that by 16, and you might be around the right number…)

2. What is a Rocky Mountain oyster?

3. How long is New Zealand’s Ninety Mile Beach?

4. What do Americans refer to ‘pizza’ as?

5. How many months have 28 days in them?

6. What is the main ingredient of Bombay Duck?

7. What is the correct term for a question mark immediately followed by an exclamation mark?

8. In which month does the German festival of Oktoberfest mostly take place?

9. Which movie star entered a look-a-like content about himself only to come 3rd in it?

10. What is the collective noun for a group of pandas?

Multiple choice trivia questions and answers

1) Who sang the title song for the latest Bond film, No Time to Die?

  • Adele
  • Sam Smith
  • Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish

2) Which flies a green, white, and orange (in that order) tricolor flag?

  • Ireland
  • Ivory Coast
  • Italy
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3) What company makes the Xperia model of smartphone?

  • Samsung
  • Sony
  • Nokia


4) Which city is home to the Brandenburg Gate?

  • Vienna
  • Zurich
  • Berlin


5) Which of the following is NOT a fruit?

  • Rhubarb
  • Tomatoes
  • Avocados


Ap world multiple choice questions

AP World History Free Practice Question sample:

“The Tsar had sent out orders to the governments of the different provinces of the empire requiring each of them to send his quota of artificers and laborers to assist in building the city. This they could easily do, for in those days all the laboring classes of the people were little better than slaves, and were almost entirely at the disposal of the nobles, their masters. In the same manner, he sent out agents to all the chief cities in western Europe, with orders to advertise there for carpenters, masons, engineers, ship-builders, and persons of all other trades likely to be useful in the work of building the city. These men were to be promised good wages and kind treatment, and were to be at liberty at any time to return to their prospective homes.”

–Jacob Abbot, Peter the Great, 1859

The attitude toward foreign workers described in the passage differs most strongly from that of which of the following states during the period 1450–1750?

A: The Songhai Empire in West Africa
B: The Tokugawa shogunate in Japan
C: The Qing Dynasty in China
D: The Safavid Dynasty in Persia

United states history multiple choice questions

Here is a direct to these questions:

Ap environmental science multiple choice questions pdf

Here is a direct to download the pdf questions:

Bible quiz multiple choice questions with answers

Some bible choice questions are:

    1. According to Malachi, who declared himself as a great King?

    1. Eighteen people died when a tower collapsed. Where did this happen?

    1. How did Jacob deceive his father?

    1. Who buried Isaac?

  1. What did Belshazzar put around Daniel’s neck after he interpreted the writings?


FAQs About Best Approach To Score 90% In Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do you get a high score on a multiple choice test?

How to ace multiple choice tests:
  1. Read very carefully.
  2. Come up with your own answer.
  3. Look for common types of wrong answers.
  4. Eliminate answers in two rounds.
  5. Do not obsess over your choices.
  6. Manage your time.
  7. Answer every question.

2. What is the trick for multiple choice questions?

  • Read the entire question.
  • Answer it in your mind first.
  • Use the process of elimination.
  • True or false test.
  • Look for answers hidden in questions.
  • Select the best answer.
  • Answer the questions you know first.
  • Pay attention to these words.

3. What strategy is best for multiple choice exams?

Try these strategies:
  • Skip the question and come back to it. Other test questions may offer clues and information that might help.
  • Make notes in the margin to help you recall content.
  • If all else fails, guess! Don’t just leave it blank.

4. Is C the best multiple choice answer?

The letter C is the most accurate guess and is correct the majority of the time. More often than not, choices C or H are correct (or incorrect). Since they only appear on the math test, the only guess letters you should avoid using when you are totally speculating are E and K.

5. How do you get 100 on every multiple choice test?

Read questions carefully, as they reveal a lot of information. Prior to looking at the several options offered, make an effort to determine the right response. To avoid getting sidetracked while reading the question, cover the answers. Go over each of the possible responses.


This article contains a list of multiple question choices and how to answer them. It will guide you on acing you next multiple choice question examination. Multiple-choice questions are used in many college courses as well as on college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT.

We really hope this article was useful to you? Do stay tuned to our site for more updates like this one!

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