GTbank Customer Care Number, Whatsapp, Email Address

GTbank Customer Care Number, Whatsapp, Email Address. In This Article, You Will  Learn All About GTbank Customer Care Number.

GTbank Customer Care Number,  Are you a customer to this particular bank and you have issues you need to rectify or even complaints to make? Or maybe you are not even a customer but you need their customer care details?

Stay with us as we will be answering all your questions. Let’s get into it!

GTbank Customer Care Number

About GTbank

A leading provider of market-leading financial products and services, Guaranty Trust Bank Limited (GTBank) is a global financial institution. It  serves individuals, corporations, private and public institutions in Africa and the UK. With its headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria, and subsidiaries spread across Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Sierra Leone, and the United Kingdom, the Bank boasts a total assets and shareholders’ funds of ₦4.057 trillion and ₦661.1 billion, respectively. At present, the Bank employs over 12,000 professionals.

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Our goal at Guaranty Trust Bank Limited is to always produce the best results for our communities and customers.

GTbank Nigeria customer care number

For their customer care number, you can Call their Interactive Contact Center (GT Connect) on 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000 to speak with a Customer Service representative.

GTbank customer care number in Nigeria

In Nigeria, these are the numbers you can call: 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000 to speak with a Customer Service representative

GTbank customer care Whatsapp number

To connect with GTB’s customer care, save their official WhatsApp number are:

  • 07016974994 
  • 09060001601.

With these special WhatsApp numbers, you can start a dialogue with their customer service agents and make sure your questions are answered right away.

Without having to deal with automated systems or wait on hold, it’s a quick and easy way to get the help you need.

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Is GTbank customer care number free

Yes. It is totally free. All you need to do is to get in touch with the numbers above and someone from their end will answer you.

GTbank customer care number

For GTbank, their customer care numbers are as follows: 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000 and you can dial any of those to speak with a Customer Service representative.

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GTbank customer care number Abuja

If you are in the nation’s capital, and you need to speak with any of their representatives, you just need to dial any of these numbers: 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000 to speak with a Customer Service representative. Visit any GTBank branch to speak directly to any of our Customer Service Representatives.

GTbank customer care number Nigeria

Whatsapp is the most efficient and economical way to communicate with Guarantee Trust Bank if you have any complaints, questions, or would like to get in touch with them for any reason. Furthermore, for those who don’t have enough airtime to waste, calling them occasionally might be more convenient. Do I even need to point out that you are wasting airtime while they take their time to respond?

In summary, the GTbank-specific Whatsapp phone number is +2347016974994. You can add 07016974994 without the +234 if you’re in Nigeria.

GTbank customer care phone number

For GTbank, their customer care numbers are as follows: 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000 and you can dial any of those to speak with a Customer Service representative.

GTbank customer care service number

Whatsapp is the most efficient and economical way to communicate with Guarantee Trust Bank if you have any complaints, questions, or would like to get in touch with them for any reason.

The GTbank-specific Whatsapp phone number is +2347016974994. You can add 07016974994 without the +234 if you’re in Nigeria.

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How do I email GT Bank customer care?

All emails should be sent to When contacting GTAssistant, it’s essential to have the correct email address, so you can save this as a contact in your mailbox.

FAQs About GTbank Customer Care Number, Whatsapp, Email Address

1. What is GTbank customer care number?

For GTbank, their customer care numbers are as follows: 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000 and you can dial any of those to speak with a Customer Service representative.

2. Is GTBank customer care 24 hours?

Yes, You can reach them whenever time you put a call through. Their services are 24hours in a day, 7 days in a week (24/7).

3. GTB customer care WhatsApp number Lagos?

For their Lagos branch, you can contact them here: 01448000, 070 0482 6663 28, 080 2900 2900, 080 3900 3900, 081 3985 6000. Any of these numbers will go through once you dial it.

5.  How can I chat with Access Bank customer care on WhatsApp?

Live Chat – Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. WhatsApp Banking – 09090901901. Telephone – 07003000000, 01-2802500, 01-2712005-7.


We hope this article has answered all your questions on the services of this particular bank. You can now direct all your questions and complaints to the numbers and email address above.  This bank is one of the oldest yet most trustworthy banks in Nigeria. Their services are really top-notch. You can trust them with all your banking services.

We hope you found this article helpful? Stay tuned for more details like this one!

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