Vitamin K| Nutrition Source

Vitamin K| Nutrition Source. In This Article You Will Learn More About Vitamin K| Nutrition Source.

Vitamin K, Are you looking forward to knowing more about the essential role of vitamin K in our body system? Or maybe you wants to know more about the  food source that can provide you with enough vitamin K?

Well, you are on the right page because right here in this article you learn more about vitamin K and essential roles in our body system. So, do keep reading to find out more!!

Vitamin K

What Is It

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a crucial role in blood clotting and bone health. There are two main forms of it:  vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and vitamin K2 (menaquinone).

Vitamin K1 is primarily found in leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and broccoli. It helps with the production of clotting factors in the liver, which are necessary for proper blood clotting.

Vitamin K2, on the other hand, is produced by bacteria in the gut and is also found in certain animal products and fermented foods. It helps regulate calcium metabolism and supports bone health by ensuring that calcium is properly deposited in the bones and teeth.

Both forms of them  are important for overall health, but vitamin K2 is particularly beneficial for bone health. It’s always a good idea to include a variety of vitamin K-rich foods in your diet to ensure you’re getting an adequate amount of this important nutrient.

Food Source

Here’s a list of foods that are good sources of vitamin K:

– Leafy green vegetables: spinach, kale, collard greens, and Swiss chard.
– Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.
– Green vegetables: asparagus, green beans, and peas.
– Herbs: parsley, basil, and cilantro.
– Other vegetables: avocado, cucumber, and celery.
– Fruits: kiwi, grapes, and blueberries.
– Nuts and seeds: pistachios, pine nuts, and chia seeds.
– Oils: olive oil and soybean oil.

Including these foods in your diet can help ensure you’re getting enough vitamin K!

Vitamin  K Benefits

Some of the key benefits include:

1. Blood clotting: It plays a crucial role in blood clotting, ensuring that wounds can heal properly.

2. Bone health: It helps in the production of proteins necessary for bone formation and mineralization, promoting strong and healthy bones.

3. Heart health: It  may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by preventing the calcification of arteries.

4. Brain function: Some studies suggest that it might have a positive impact on brain health and cognitive function.

5. Anti-inflammatory properties: It has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially benefiting various inflammatory conditions.

Vitamin K Deficiency

Its deficiency can lead to various health issues. Some of its common signs and symptoms  include:

1. Easy bruising: It  can impair blood clotting, leading to easy bruising or excessive bleeding.

2. Excessive bleeding: It  is essential for proper blood clotting. Without enough it, you may experience prolonged bleeding after injuries or surgeries.

3. Nosebleeds:  It  can contribute to frequent nosebleeds.

4. Heavy menstrual bleeding: It  may result in heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding in women.

5. Bleeding gums: It  can cause bleeding gums, especially during brushing or flossing.

Vitamin K For Newborns

It  is important for newborns as it helps with blood clotting. It is typically given to newborns as an injection shortly after birth to prevent a rare but serious bleeding disorder called vitamin K deficiency bleeding. This helps ensure that their blood can clot properly and reduces the risk of bleeding complications. It’s a routine practice recommended by healthcare professionals to support the health and well-being of newborns.

Vitamin K Injection

Its  injection is given to newborns shortly after birth to support their blood clotting ability. It’s a routine practice recommended by healthcare professionals to prevent vitamin K deficiency bleeding, a rare but serious condition. The injection is typically administered in the baby’s thigh muscle and is a quick and safe procedure. It helps ensure that newborns have enough vitamin K to support their overall health and prevent bleeding complications.

Vitamin K Tablets

Its  tablets are available as a dietary supplement for individuals who may have a vitamin K deficiency or need to increase their intake of vitamin K. These tablets can be taken orally and can help support proper blood clotting and overall health.

However, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure it is suitable for your specific needs. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health and medical history.

Functions Of Vitamin K

It  has several important functions in the body. One of its main roles is in blood clotting. It helps produce proteins that are necessary for the clotting process, which helps prevent excessive bleeding.

It  also plays a role in bone health by assisting in the production of proteins that are involved in bone mineralization. Additionally, it may have a role in supporting cardiovascular health and regulating inflammation. It’s a vital nutrient that contributes to various processes in the body.

Recommended  Dosages

The recommended dosage of it  can vary depending on factors such as age, sex, and specific health conditions. For newborn babies, a single dose  is typically given shortly after birth. For adults, the recommended daily intake  is around 90-120 micrograms for women and 120-150 micrograms for men. However, it’s important to note that individual needs may vary, so it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice on the appropriate dosage for you.

 Side Effects

It  is generally safe when taken within the recommended dosage. However, like any supplement, there can be potential side effects. Common side effects are rare and usually occur with high doses of it . These may include upset stomach, diarrhea, or allergic reactions.

It’s important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns or experience any unusual symptoms. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific health needs.


It  has several important uses in the body. One of its main uses is in blood clotting. It helps produce proteins that are necessary for the clotting process, which helps prevent excessive bleeding.

It  is also involved in bone health by assisting in the production of proteins that are important for bone mineralization. Additionally, it may have a role in supporting cardiovascular health and regulating inflammation. It’s a versatile nutrient with various uses in the body.

 Dependent Clotting Factor

It is essential for the production of several clotting factors, including prothrombin (factor II), factors VII, IX, and X. These clotting factors are crucial for the blood clotting process and help prevent excessive bleeding. Without sufficient vitamin K, the production of these clotting factors may be impaired, leading to an increased risk of bleeding disorders.

Vitamin K In Early Pregnancy

Vitamin K is important during early pregnancy as it plays a role in blood clotting, which is crucial for the development of the placenta. It also helps support the growth and development of the baby’s bones. It’s always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about your specific nutritional needs during pregnancy. They can provide personalized guidance and recommend any necessary supplements.

READ ALSO:   Vitamin E| Nutrition Source

Can Vitamin K Stop Periods

No, vitamin K does not have the ability to stop periods. Menstruation is a natural process controlled by hormonal changes in the body, and vitamin K does not have any direct impact on these hormonal fluctuations.

If you are experiencing irregular or heavy periods, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and guidance. They can provide appropriate advice and treatment options based on your specific needs.

Scientific Name Of Vitamin K

The scientific name for vitamin K is “phylloquinone” for the form found in plants and “menaquinone” for the form produced by bacteria in our intestines.

FAQs About Vitamin K

1. Vitamin K Supplement

Its  supplements are available in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and liquid drops. They can be taken to ensure an adequate intake of it, especially if you have a deficiency or need additional supplementation. It’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements to determine the appropriate dosage and ensure it aligns with your specific needs.

2. How do you find the source of vitamin K?

You can find it in a variety of food sources. Some examples include leafy green vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli, as well as certain oils like soybean and canola oil. Other sources include dairy products, eggs, and meats. Including these foods in your diet can help ensure an adequate intake of it.

3. Which fruit is high in vitamin K?

Fruits are generally not very high in vitamin K compared to vegetables and other food sources. However, there are a few fruits that contain small amounts of it . Some examples include kiwi, avocado, and grapes. While these fruits may not be as rich in vitamin K as vegetables, they still offer other important nutrients and can be part of a balanced diet.

4. What is vitamin K also known as?

Vitamin K is also known as the “blood clotting vitamin” because of its role in the coagulation process.

5. Do beans have vitamin K?

Yes, beans do contain vitamin K, although the amount can vary depending on the type of beans. Green beans, for example, are a good source of it.


  vitamin K plays a crucial role in blood clotting and bone health. It can be found in various food sources like leafy green vegetables, oils, and certain fruits. Its deficiency can lead to bleeding disorders, so it’s important to ensure an adequate intake.

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